2023-11-21 09:55:29
One Piece but I have other's I like also it depends but for now One Piece
2023-11-21 14:06:45
I have watched DB close to 1000 times probably, as far as is emited on tv I probably will still watch for so many years more, currently watching DB and Z But if you ask for porn porpuses, then MHA tons of girls, impossible not have some fav girls
2023-11-21 21:59:47
Full Metal Alchemist, both versions and Keroro Gunso
2023-12-05 07:36:10
Dragon Ball is a classic that I really enjoy. Are there any ongoing anime that you guys like?
2023-12-20 04:25:16
well i don't have any fave but where is some list of cool ones i watched (i will share 10) 1 - jigoku shoujo 2 - shiki 3 - darker than black 4 - space dandy 5 - prison school 6 - kaiji 7 - devil man cry baby 8 - death note 9 - higurashi no naku koro ni 10 - durarara
2023-12-20 04:27:35
5 - p.r.i.s.o.n school (the dots are just to deceive the censorship)